ER Call Sept 2018

09/10/18 11:00 AM
09/10/18 12:00 PM

Change and Transformation in Networks: Models that Support this Work

Why is transformation so difficult to achieve in rural healthcare networks? Why have 25% of network change initiatives reportedly succeeded over the past decade? Why not more?

One reason might be the invisible fears and insecurities that keep members and leaders locked into behaviors even when we know rationally that they block innovation and success. Boards and network leaders can change processes, policies, seating arrangements, and external partners, but until they change mental models and behaviors they’ll struggle to make change stick. This kind of transformation starts with the leaders themselves, since it’s their perspectives and behaviors that often contribute significantly to the corporate culture.  We'll start this next season of ER Calls off by checking in on mental models and behaviors: our own and those we perceive on our boards and in our membership. 

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