HRSA Network Development Program Grantees
A list of the new HRSA's Network Development Program Grantees is available on HRSA's web site.
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NRHA’s Meeting Brings Hope for Rural Health
May 7, 2011 ( - Most of the experts have been of the belief that rural health is enjoying a very limited role in healthcare reform but at the same time the National Rural Health Association's annual meeting in Austin, Texas, came up with a couple of decisions which can bring hope for several people.
Rural Health Policy is considered to be a crucial part of HHS Health Resources and Services Administration and Tom Morris, Associate Administrator for rural health policy and head of the Office of Rural Health Policy, believes that the main source of hope would be the current administration which has put leadership in place that is giving rural health more attention than previously given.
AHRQ Report Examines Health IT's Impact on Medication Management
Enabling Medication Management with Health Information Technology, a new evidence report from AHRQ, examines the impact – clinical, economic, and effectiveness -- of health information technology (HIT) applications on medication management. The review, conducted by McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, of more than 400 studies found that health IT-enabled applications, especially clinical decision support and computerized physician order entry systems, show evidence of improved care processes. However, the review also showed that few studies examined economic or clinical outcomes, and mixed findings about clinician effectiveness and cost-effectiveness were found when these topics were examined.
Community Health Centers To 'Turn The Promise Of Coverage' Into Better Care—The KHN Interview
May 4, 2011 (Kaiser Health News) - The role of community health centers, which serve about 23 million people, is expected to grow as part of the national health care overhaul. A recent report by the National Association of Community Health Centers found that the nation's 8,000 centers provide one-quarter of all primary-care visits for low-income people and saves the health care system $24 billion a year. Such low-cost primary care will be critical as more people receive coverage for the first time under reform and centers prepare to serve 40 million patients by 2015.
That need led to a big increase in federal funding over the past several years. The stimulus bill gave the centers about $2 billion, and the health care overhaul law increased funding by $11 billion over 10 years. Yet, as Congress and the White House looked for ways to trim back the budget this month,they cut $600 million from that funding. And funding from some states, such as California, has dropped dramatically as state officials are forced to cover shortfalls associated with the recession.
SAMHSA: New Toolkit on Suicide Prevention for Senior Living Communities
Promoting Emotional Health and Preventing Suicide: A Toolkit for Senior Living Communities is now available from SAMHSA. This cutting-edge toolkit equips senior living staff with resources to promote emotional health and prevent suicide among residents. It includes guidelines for integrating suicide prevention into ongoing programs, hands-on tools, and comprehensive training manuals.
Majority of U.S. hospitals meet all-hazards preparedness measures
National Hospital Preparedness Program Report highlights state-by-state accomplishments
May 5, 2011 (HHS News Release) - More than 76 percent of hospitals participating in the National Hospital Preparedness Program (HPP) met 90 percent or more of all program measures for all-hazards preparedness in 2009, according to a report released today by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response.
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