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NCHN E-News | Issue 1 | December 22, 2008 | |
This Issue... + Update from the Board of Directors + Spotlight on NCHN Business Partner + Members News + Upcoming NCHN Events + An Update on The Conference + Member Success Story + Elsewhere in the News |
appreciation of your association with NCHN... the NCHN Board of Directors and staff extend our Best Wishes for a happy Holiday Season and a successful 2009! We look forward to continuing our relationship in the New Year. |
from the Board of Directors During 2009, NCHN will be implementing a monthly e-News! We are looking for success stories from our members, network news, Business Partners updates and other information that would be of interest to health networks across the nation. The first issue will be distributed around January 15. Please make a commitment now to submit an article or news item for NCHN e-News! ******* NCHN Executive Coaching Program --- During 2008, NCHN implemented an Executive Coaching Program. We currently have five “coachees” being coached by NCHN members. Watch the January issue for more information and to sign up to be a coach or a coachee. --top-- Spotlight on NCHN Business Partner
All Business Partners can be accessed on the NCHN website at --top-- Members News Lakelands Rural Health Network, located in Greenwood, SC recently joined NCHN. Dawn Wichmann is the Executive Director and contact for NCHN activities. The network was organized in 2004. Its mission is to develop a collaborative, economically viable health network to improve the quality of care in their service area, with the purpose of improving the health status of the Lakelands area.
North East Oregon Network, located in La Grande, Oregon also recently jointed NCHN. Miriam Lederer is the Regional Coordinator and contact for NCHN activities. The network was organized in 2003 and focuses on meeting the diverse health needs of rural communities in Baker, Union, and Wallowa counties. The Network’s 64 members include representatives from the areas of primary care, long-term care, public health, mental health, and alcohol and drug services.
--top-- Upcoming
NCHN Events
******* Change is coming to Washington. You need to be there too! NCHN has partnered with the National Rural Health Association on their upcoming annual Policy Institute to be held January 26-28, 2009 in Washington, DC. NRHA and Partners Policy Institute provides you with an opportunity to participate in the policy-making process with access to:
For more information or to register, visit Registration is also available by calling 816-756-3140 x 10
One person can make a difference. Discover how to advocate for change in rural health care --- attend the NRHA’s “Advocacy 101 Pre-conference Workshop” -- on January 25 from 3:00 - 4:30 PM ET. Registration fee is $25. For more information on the Policy Institute or the pre-conference workshop, please contact NRHA at 816-756-3140. See you in DC! ******* Crucial Conversations® -- will be offered as a post-conference workshop in Charleston, SC on April 23-24, at the conclusion of the NCHN 15th Annual Conference. Tina Sundly, Health Care Strategic Alignment Manger, with Wipfli, LLC, one of NCHN’s Business Partners, has agreed to offer the workshop. This is an intensive two-day workshop, starting at 8:00 AM and ending at 5:00 PM each of the two days. Total instruction time is 16 hours. The registration fee will be $895 and will include two continental breakfasts, two lunches, beverage breaks; along with all training materials - book, tool kit, CD series and on-line follow-up. Participants are responsible for their own lodging and transportation. The workshop will be offered at the Francis Marion, the NCHN Conference Hotel. Registration materials will be available in January, 2009. For more information about Crucial Conversations® and how the American Association of Critical Care Nurses are embracing the Crucial Conversations® philosophy in their health environments initiative, please visit the following link In addition, here’s a link to VitalSmarts Web site (they authored the book Crucial Conversations®) --top-- Member
Success --top-- Elsewhere
in the News Beginning on Jan. 1, 2009, the standard mileage rates for the use of a car (also vans, pickups or panel trucks) will be:
--top-- |
Cooperative of Health Networks Association 400 S. Main Street, Hardinsburg, Kentucky 40143 270-925-5611 |
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